Picking the Right Locksmith

Now that you know that a locksmith should be the one you reach out to when it comes to your security concerns, how do you make sure you called for someone you can truly trust with your safety? 

According to MLA, or Master Locksmith Association, there are 6 tips you must remember when looking for a good locksmith.

- Look for a 3rd party approval


You can ask for certification, look for work examples, or better yet, ask for the recommendations of people you already trust. MLA offers exams that further prove the skill and authenticity of a locksmith, you may ask for their company logo when you visit the locksmith you're interested in.

- Go local instead of national call centres


Call centres will often get a service that they haven't necessarily performed a full check on or have no idea about how good of a job they'll do, they might also charge for more than your local locksmith will. The closer to you a locksmith is, the easier it will be to ask around for their authenticity.

- Recommendations & word of mouth


Ask family or trusted friends if they've had work done, if so by whom and if they had a good experience with them. Look at review sites, and verify the companies in trading.

- Get 3 quotes


Get at least 3 quotes as the cost of hiring a locksmith can vary depending on the type of job, your location and day/time. Overcharging happens more than you think as there's no regulation towards locksmiths by the government.

- Beware of cheap £49 / £59 Locksmith adverts


Cheap prices are so-called "red flags" for a "bait and switch" scheme where further costs are added to the price.

- Finding a Locksmith on Google


Be wary of Google Maps locksmiths as well. Sometimes the physical location is ‘made up’ by the company via a virtual address – you will find the business is just a PO Box. The best advice we can give is to visit our find a locksmith page to find a vetted locksmith in your area. You can never be too sure when it comes to a lot of things, just remember to be mindful of everything, and don't let anyone fool you when it comes to you and your family's safety.