A lot of people seem to stay away from professional services especially when they think they can do the job themselves. A lot of items in our home come with an instruction manual and youtube is so accessible nowadays but nothing can be compared to hours, weeks, and months spent training and studying the craft. That tutorial manual and video isn't catered specifically to the dimensions and situation in your home, it may recommend some actions that aren't actually appropriate for your needs.
This is common in the lock industry. Us locksmiths witness a lot of properties with damaged doors, frames, and locks, simply because they were installed by an amateur. It's easy to look at a door and a lock and assume that it's as simple as puzzles that you just have to fit together. This isn't right and in most cases, the preparation takes much longer than the actual installation. It's important that you keep this in mind especially when a lock breaks in your home whether it is located at your door or on any of your windows.
Window locks seem the easiest to remedy. They're small and straightforward, possible with a lot of patience and the right size of screws but one simple mistake can lead to all your hard work doing nothing and still making the property at extremely high risk of being broken in and entered.
When it comes to all of your lock-related needs, feel free to contact us anytime at Locksmiths of Belfast and we'll gladly come help you out as soon as possible. Feel free to read through the information that's up on our website, look through the posts we have on our GMB Page, or check out the reviews that are up on our Facebook Page.